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Kabaddi.org Forum Rules - Please read them before you post

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big brother
Site Admin
Site Admin

Joined: 28 Jul 2004
Posts: 909

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:45 am    Post subject: Kabaddi.org Forum Rules - Please read them before you post

Hello all!

Welcome to the Kabaddi.org community. This is a board where any member can post on any topic under the appropriate topic headings, you are encouraged to discuss ideas and experiences .

Some words on protocol:

1) As a matter of common courtesy please be polite to all other users. Abusing others will not help the exchange of ideas. Any abusive posts will be removed and the user banned from the board.

2) Please post discussions in appropriate areas.

3) Spam, porn, crude suggestions and comments, and bad language will NOT be tolerated. The administrators have discretion as to what is considered spam.

4) If you are discussing a topic with quantative data , where necessary please provide sources - urls

5) You are welcome to debate a issue not the personalites of people who are posting them

6)Finally please stick to the topics


In order to keep this forum as secure as possible for the regular members who utilise this private space , access will be granted on individual basis.

for any enquiries
[email protected]
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