Raid's Time A raider shall be entitle to 30-Seconds to touch a player of the opponent team or being touched from the time he cross the gateline and back to his court. If a raider touching any defender or having touched by a defender touches the gate line with any part of his body or crosses it without infringement of these rule within 30-seconds, he shall be awarded one point. If defender (stopper) holds the raiderin his 'Pala' during and up to those 30 seconds, a point shall be awarded to the stopper. The raider has option/right to give up struggling within or the expiration of that 30 seconds period however in that case a point will be awarded to the stopper (Defender).
Touch The touch means the contact by or with any part of the body of a raider or defender.
Raid When a raider goes from his court into the court of the opposing team, it is called a raid. NO RAIDER SHALL BE ALLOWED TO GO AS A RAIDER MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE TIMES.
Struggle When a raider touches a defender or a defender touches a raider, it shall be called a struggle.
Misconduct The committing of a prohibitory foul shall constitute a misconduct. Abusing and shouting onto other teammate, opponent teammate, referee, anymember of the organizing committee and member of federation constitute misconduct and there will be disciplinary action shall be taken against such player.
Warning Showing of a card (Yellow, or Red) to a player by the Umpire during a match shall be treated as a warning to a player for his misconduct.
Yellow Card Any player who repeats minor misconduct shall be liable for a Yellow Card. Such players shall be liable for two to five minutes suspension from the play at the discretion of the Umpire.
Red Card Any player who repeats misconduct or behaves during a match or otherwise commits a major violation of these rules shall be liable for disqualification for the rest of the match/tournament at the discretion of the Umpire AND THE ONTARIO FEDERATION.
Hold a Raider During the struggle between Raider and the Stopper all other player of defendant return to the raider's court until the 30 second expires. It shall be called a "hold" by the defender.
Successful Raid A successful raid shall be one when a raider, after touching any of defender reaches his court or home safely within 30 seconds.

18a. If any player played a match for any club during the season, he must play for the same club for the currency of the entire season.

18b. No player shall be permitted to join and play with any other team or club or organization during the currency of the season without a written release from his respective club. The release must be signed by the Club�s President and the Secretary. No club shall release any of their top Four players (top Two Raiders & Two Stoppers) to play for any other team. Federation will select top Four players from each team based on Merit (points). Top players will be considered as described in 38c & 38e. Any Two teams who participated in the Final match in the previous tournament, will not be allowed to take any released player. Any released player from any club must give priority to join the bottom team in the league. In the event, the bottom team do not wish to take the released player, then he must give priority to join the next team who is on the 2nd position from the bottom and he continues the procedure until he is signed up with a team. Released player must sign a new agreement with the new club. Player�s total salary will be divided into equal payments for the total number of tournaments for the season. Any released player from any club will not be allowed at all to play for the releasing club for the entire season.

If none of the club is willing to sign up any released player for the balance of the season in that fiscal year, then the club who has released that player, must pay to the player, the amount equal to Thirty (30) percent of the remaining balance of his contract. The player must have the contract in writing to establish the appropriate amount.

18c. No club shall accept any player(s) from other club whereas the player(s) has been a member of another club and he has not been fully released from his previous club. Any club that violate this rule shall be fined up to $2000.00 for a single/each violation and player could get a suspension for the entire season. (6)

18d. No club shall withhold a full release to any player(s) beyond any reason. Clubs and the player(s) have right to solve their problems among themselves. However, in case of any dispute, the Ontario Federation of Sports and Cultural Organizations has right to intervene in the matter and give their decision after hearing all related parties. The decision of the federation without prejudice shall deemed to be final.

18e. Any financial dispute between releasing club and/or the player must be sorted out among themselves before a player leaves or joins another club and at least two days prior to any tournament during the current season. No settlement shall be permitted in the field. Federation expects the full Co-operation in this matter from all the clubs.

.18f. Any dispute between player(s) and his club or any complaint player have against his club or dispute between Two or more clubs, that must be brought in the light of Federation at least Seven (7) daysbefore any tournament.

18g. All clubs must provide the name of their players to the Federation at the time of entries/ties who lives in Canada, otherwise that player will not be allowed to play. If a player�s name is given by Two teams, in that event, the President will notify the both teams. Whichever club wishes that player to play for their team, they must provide the contract to the Federation�s President, signed by the player, within 24 hours once they were notified.

18h. Any player who would be in breach of a contract with his club, will not be permitted to join other club until the player solves his dispute with his club and get a full release from his club (and/or federation). Whereas any kind of complaint, (including their financial payoff contracts) from the player against his club must be brought into the attention of federation to solve such dispute at least

Seven (7) days prior to any tournament to avoid any problems in the field on the day of the tournament. Panel & Executive committee reserve all rights to deliberate their final decision.

18i. If through the investigation(s) and discussion(s), a player is guilty of breach of contract, then the Federation has discretion to permit (allow) such player to join other club by paying a set fine as to be determined by Federation and also payments equivalent to all monitory help his previous club had provided to the player for the season according to their contract.

18j. If any club is in the breach of a contract with any player, then the matter must be brought to the Federation in writing and Federation will take views of both sides and will come up with a decision.

18k. Any player who sign a contract for two clubs for the season, he will not be permitted to play in any tournament during that season.

18l. A person of any race or color could participate in Kabaddi tournaments in Ontario.

18m. Any player who is banned by the Ontario Sports Federation, and he wishes to play for any team/tournament in Ontario, he must solve his dispute with local Club(s) and/or Federation at least Two (2) weeks prior to the tournament.


18n. .Any new player who comes to Canada to play for any individual club, and he obtain his Visa with the efforts of that individual club, in that event he must play for the same club for at least Three (3) years. The player will be free to play with any other club only if he was fully released by the same club who helped him to obtain the visa.


19a. New immigrant or a player with the refugee claimant status must provide a proof of their respective status to the federation two days prior to the date of first and each tournament. Refugee status must be applied before April 13th each year to be eligible to play in that year.

19b. If any player�s (refugee as example) claim is rejected by the Immigration, he must provide legal documents to his member club/organization for his deportation or removal order from the country so that his respective club can provide that documentation to the federation to escape from a set fine.

19c. Any player who came to Canada to play Kabaddi and/or have played on the behalf of India or Pakistan or any other country in any local or international cup and has applied as a refugee claim, he can not participate in any tournament in Ontario for 3 years.

19d. All local players must represent Ontario Federation whenever required to play. If any player refuse to play on the behalf of Ont. Federation, he will be penalized for a possible suspension for up to Three (3) years or a fine of Two Thousand ($2000.00) Dollars. Any solid reason for not participating/representing federation could be considered in the federation meeting.


GROUNDS (Kabaddi Grounds):

21a. Grounds shall be consist of a semi-soft or grassy level land. The boundary shall be drawn into a 75 Ft. semi-circle of an oval shape from the mid point for out door fields. Grounds for indoor stadiums could be adjusted accordingly with the prior approval from federation.

21b. The boundary and mid-line shall be distinctly drawn in white by Three inch thick lines except the portion of mid line between the two posts which would be Four inch thick line.

21c. A clear space of Thirty (30) feet shall be provided all around the play area no one will be allowed to enter during the play off.

21d. In the Centre of mid - line, a Four inch thick line measuring 20 feet from inside at equal distance from both ends of the mid - line shall be demarcated to be called a �Pala� or �Gate-Line�.

21e. Two posts, round in shape of soft or playable material with a radius of Six to Nine inches in white color shall be placed at each end of Pala or Gate-Line and these posts will not be a part of Gate-Line.

21f. Raiders must stand at the side corner at the end of their respective half near the center line and opposite to their opponent team as shown in the diagram. Stoppers must stand on the top front of the field from the center line as shown in the diagram.

21g. Attached is a diagram showing measurements of the outdoor ground and positions for both Raiders & Stoppers.



22a. Kabaddi shall be played between Two teams consisting of up to Twelve (12) players (Ten participating players & Two extra or replacement players). Substitution or replacement shall only be permitted out of the list provided, at any time during the play off informing the Umpire.

22b. Only one substitution for local players shall be permitted at a time during the same game. Outgoing substitute player shall not be taken in the field again in the same game. Substitution for outsider players is not permitted.

22c. The duration of each league match shall be Thirty (30) minutes (e.g. 15-5-15) of actual play consisting of Two Halves of Fifteen (15) minutes each. The duration of each semi-final match shall be Thirty Five (35) minutes (e.g. 20-5-15) of actual play consisting of Two Halves. The duration offinal match shall be Forty (40) minutes (e.g. 20-5-20) of actual play consisting of Two Halves of Twenty (20) minutes each. At the half time, the teams shall change the courts and the duration of the interval shall be Five (5) minutes only.

22d. The captain of the team shall: Choose the playing court side (Pala) or Raid if he wins the Toss. Be responsible to maintain the discipline in the field and take full control of his team during the play off.

22e. Participating team who have less than Eight (8) players in the beginning of the match can not Enter or Replace any player before the Half time. (Except in the case of serious injury during the match, then the Federation or the Organizing committee reserve the right to exercise their options). If a replacement is permitted, the injured player will not be allowed to participate in the entire tournament on the same day.

22f. The team who have less than Eight (8) players in the beginning of the match, can enter the balance of their players up to the maximum of Ten (10) players, in the Half Time Only. If a team have less than 8 players during the match, the opponent team will be awarded with One extra point for each short player for each half of the game.


22g. As soon as Umpire/ Referee blow the whistle to start 2nd half of the match, no players shall be allowed to enter or replace for the rest of the match.

22h. Two (2) extra players must sit on a designated spot provided at the side of their own team.

22i. No team shall be allowed to enter the ground to warm up for the next match until the current match is over. The team/club will be fined Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars for the violation of this rule.


DRESS (Langota & Shorts):

23a. Footwear will not be permitted at any time or under any circumstances during the entire game, However knee caps and anklets would be allowed. Metallic ring(s), bracelets or any kind of material which may cause injury to player or the opponent player shall not be allowed during the match.

23b. Nails must be closely cut and filed prior to the matches.

23c. Any kind of greasy / oily substance including Vaseline and greasy ointment, Baroza, Sticky substance, Ointment which deemed to be greasy shall be strictly prohibited on the body, hands, legs, ankles and at any part of the body before or during the match. Any infringements thereof shall be treated as a serious violation and shall be punishable amounting to a disqualification to the player for the game and player shall also face a fine of up to $1000.00 for each violation. Players shall not be permitted to play any further games until the fine is paid in full (either by the player or the club).

23d. Umpires shall inspect both playing teams if it is deemed to be necessary prior to the commencement of the game and during the playoff to enforce a close observation to implicate this rule.

23e. Captain of each team in the field must make an objections for any doubtful situation before starting the match. However if required organization committee and /or Federation can inspect /check Any player who repeats misconduct or behaves during a match or otherwise commits a major violation of these rules shall be liable for disqualification for the rest of the match/tournament at the discretion of the Umpire and the Federation.


Hold a Raider:

During the struggle between a raider and the stopper all other players of defendant team must stay at least Ten (10) feet away until point is decided. If a defender touches and keep a raider in his court and does not allow him to return to the raider�s court until the 30 seconds expires, it shall be called a hold by the defender.

Successful Raid:

A success raid shall be one a raider, after touching any of the defender reaches his court or home safely within 30 seconds.



25a. A Kabbadi match shall be decided on the basis of points of each team. The team scoring the highest points at the end of a game shall be declared winner.

25b. The team winning the Toss, shall have a choice either of the court (Home) side or the first raid. In the second half of the match, the court shall be changed.

25c. Arrangements for water shall be made in the clear space on the off side beyond the playing ground on the mid-line, but no player would be permitted to cross the boundary line.

25d. A raider shall be allowed to touch any designated stopper player of the opposing team. All participating teams must warn their players (raiders) standing in the field that if upon touching any player of the opponent team, raider returns to his court, the raid shall be considered a successful raid and a point shall be awarded to the raider.

25e. If in the opinion of the Umpire, a raider is coughed by any of the defenders of the opposing team and is un-able to get out of his grip and raider signals his inability to struggle further, the Umpire shall give the point to the defender�s team. 25f. If during a raid or struggle, or if there is no contact, a raider or any of the defenders goes out of the ground, the one who goes out first loses a point. If both of them go out simultaneously, no point shall be scored by any of the teams.

25g. During a raid, no raider shall be cautioned by any of his own team players, otherwise the Umpire shall award a point to the defenders team. No coaching from outside shall be allowed by coaches or outside players during a play.

25h. The officials of federation, one Coach and one Manager of each participating team and medical team shall be allowed inside, but at a distance of 20 feet from the boundary of the ground during the course of the game.

25i. If a raider having been touched or held by any of the defenders fails to reach his court or fails to touch the mid-line inside the pala within a struggle the defending team shall score a point.

25j. No team shall delay any raid. A team taking more than 5 seconds to send raider when asked to do so by the Umpire, shall be liable to concede one point to opposing team at the discretion of the Umpire.

25k. A raid having been commenced before the end of half time or close of the play shall be completed even if the time runs out during the raid.

25l. In case of struggle between a raider and any of the player of the opposing team, the remaining players shall be passive temporarily and keep themselves out of the raider�s way until the point is decided. If any other player of the defending teal causes any obstruction, the raider�s team shall be awarded a point.


25m. No other member of the federation of both participating teams in the game shall be allowed to enter in the field during the play off until the match completed.

25n. First point shall be considered to be a One and a Half (1.5) point awarded to a successful raider or stopper to prevent for extra time to be given at the end of the match to decide a winner.

25o. Before the end of the entire match, the Umpires will announce Two final raids from each club.

25p. All Raiders from both teams must stand in the designated area for the Raiders as described in the Sketch of Kabaddi Ground.

25q. A Raider must only raid on the designated stoppers as designated in the Sketch of Kabaddi Ground.

25r. Any raider may also play as a stopper, as long as he joins the designated stoppers of his own team prior to the opponent raider reaches the area for designated stoppers.



The followings shall be considered as fouls or illegal tackers:

1. Twisting of the wrest, neck or ankle.

2. Strangling.

3. Gagging / Throttling.

4. Striking with the head.

5. Kicking, biting, scratching and tripping from behind.

6. Hitting with the fists.

7. Slapping with open palm or both hands.

8. Holding from costume or hair

9. Violent tacking leading to injury to the body.

10. Applying flying scissors without body hold.

11. Using abusive language, indicating words, or insulting words, etc.

12. Striking players head to the ground.

13. No player allowed to pock in the eyes.

Any players who commit these fouls shall be penalized by awarding one point to the opposite team, and also liable for further disciplinary action.



There shall be Two Umpires, Three scorers (One from executive member of organizing committee and One from each participating club), One coach & One manager of each team permitted during a play in the field. All others shall be required to leave the ground immediately after Umpire commence to begin the match. No supporters or any person other than the designated officials shall be permitted in the ground at half time break.

28. UMPIRES: (13)

28a. There shall be two Umpires in each game. Each Umpire shall take one side of the field for the entire match.

28b. The match shall start with a blow of the whistle by the Umpire. He will also blow the whistle for intervals, restart and for ending the match.

28c. If there is a objection about any point, the Umpires will discuss the objection among themselves and give the decision to the federation and that decision will be final. Objections could only be made by the team Coach or the team Manager during the match.

28d. There will be a team of Six designated Umpires on the list. Each Umpire will be awarded money for Umpiring the match and the organizing committee shall be responsible to pay the money to Umpires as soon as their tournament is finished. The amount for Umpires will be decided each year between the Umpires & Federation prior to the commencement of the seasonal



Any club who enter their team for any tournament before the ties take place and do not play during the tournament, such club will face a fine for a maximum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars payable to the Ontario Federation of Sports and Cultural Organization.

Any team showing up late by more than Thirty (30) minutes from the scheduled time to play, (unless the weather is not suitable to play) will be penalized as follows: "A" team will pay Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) fine.

"B" team will pay Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) fine.

"C" team will pay Fifty Dollars ($50.00) fine.

In the event it is a rainy day, the federation will make decision to either continue or stop the tournament. The above mentioned fines shall be payable to the Ontario Federation and must be paid prior to the next tournament..



Players and Federation Officials and Umpires are strictly prohibited to Use or Consume any kind of alcohol, drugs, any toxic material during the tournament. Any player, official, Umpire or any person observed to be using Alcohol, Drugs are subject to the suspension from the entire match.



38a. One best Raider and One best Stopper will be selected for the Ontario League who could be any (local or outsider) player And One best Raider and One best Stopper will be selected from the local players. To select a best raider and a best stopper for the season and to qualify for the merit of best raider and best stopper, a player must have participated and played 75% of all tournaments organized under the supervision of the federation in Ontario only.

38b. The average + percentage (%) of all points (successful raids out of total attempted raids by a raider or successful stops out of total attempted stops by a stopper as described in 38d & 38e) attained in all matches in all tournaments by an individual player will be calculated. Conduct, Behavior, Discipline and Co-Operation of all participating players towards the fellow Players, Umpires, Federation and the Organizing Committee will be judged by federation executive committee during the whole season and will be awarded Merit and De-Merit points and reflect the total percentage points to qualify a player to be announced the Best Raider and Best Stopper.

38c. The Raiders shall be divided into Three (A, B & C) Categories. The Raider who is successful to earn more than 80% points from his total raids, will be designated as a "A" player. The Raider who is successful to earn 50% to 79.99% points from his total raids, will be designated as a "B" player.

The Raider who is successful to earn under 50% points from his total raids, will be designated as a "C" player.

38d. The attainder of higher percentage points aggregated out of maximum successful raids and (16) the conduct of play during whole season in all tournaments shall be declared the Best Raider.

38e. The Stopper who make successful stops to "A" raider will be awarded with Five (5) points, and successful stops to "B" raider will be awarded with Three (3) points and successful stops to "C" raider will be awarded with One (1) point. The attainder of higher percentage points aggregated out of maximum successful stops to the Raiders and the conduct of play during the whole season in all tournaments shall be declared the Best Stopper.

38f. The Best Raider will receive a Plaque and Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) from the Federation.

38g. The Best Stopper will receive a Plaque and Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) from the Federation.


All players participating in "B" or "C" team must take their weight at 11 a.m. in presence of

Federation Officials on the day of the tournament. It is the responsibility of all participating players and their Two clubs officials to be present at that time.

If any player is late to take weight, he must pay $50.00 per hour late fine to the federation to have his weight taken after the originally scheduled time. First time, all "B" and "C" team players will take their weights in the First tournament and second time their weight will be taken on the Fourth (4th) tournament regardless of any circumstances.

e.g. : out of total Eight (8) tournaments, weight will be taken on First (1st) and Fourth (4th) tournament only. In the event any player joins the team/club after these scheduled weight days, OR did not qualify on these dates and wishes to play in the next tournament, his weight will be taken on the tournament day at 11 a.m. and fine will apply to him if he shows up later than 11 a.m. on the tournament day.


Federation will provide the weight machine/scale during tournaments. Federation will have Two (2) machines, if one is broken, then the federation will provide the 2nd machine. In the event, the machine is broker during taking the weights, then all players must take their weights again on the new machine.

Federation�s Executive Committee will decide on the approval of the machine.



In order to qualify as a local player, he must live permanently in Ontario for at least Eleven (11) months in a fiscal year, except the time he was out of country or in India. If any objection arises about his residency, and the player claims that he was out of country, he must provide a proof of Immigration Stamps on his passport and/or a used airline ticket, along with proof of address in Ontario, Banking Records, Work Records, Tax Return, Health Card, Driving Licence etc..

If any player brake this rule, his parent club will be fined up to Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) and the player will not be allowed to play in Ontario unless the player pays the fine of $5000.00 to his club which was paid by his club to the federation.

Any person of any race or color could participate as a player in any tournament in Ontario.

Refugee claimants in Quebec will be considered as local players in Ontario.

If any player played as a local player in B.C. or anywhere in Canada or in U.S.A., he will be considered as a outsider player. Ontario Federation will correspond with B.C. Sports Federation to obtain/confirm the list of their local players.

Junior Team: The player of the junior team could be up to 12 years of age in the currency of the same year when he wishes to participate as a player. e.g.: to participate in year 2002, the player must be born in 1990 or after. Each player�s weight must not exceed 100 Lbs. to qualify to participate.


To hold a tournament event, the organizing committee must receive entries from at least Three (3) teams for that particular event. If Three teams wishes to participate in a tournament, the tournament committee must organize that event. If there are less than Three teams, then that event will not take place during that tournament. Any teams who wishes to participate in tournaments, must inform the Federation by the end of April of the fiscal year.



To qualify to hold International Tournament, the Club must have participated in 51% of tournaments with "A" or "B" team from the time of applying for the tournament. This 51% condition is in effect after year 2004.

Ticket price and Prizes for International tournament in Ontario must be discussed every year with the Ontario Federation of Sports. Organizing tournament committee must provide reasonable proof to the federation to set the ticket price.

Coach / Manager will not be selected from the same club, for the International tournament in Ontario, who is hosting the International Tournament in the same year.

International Tournament Committee must provide light Refreshments, Soft Drinks (Juice, Gatorade etc.), Tea, Fruit, Submarines at about 5 p.m. to the team Manager / Coach . Team (18)

Manager/Coach must provide a list of Food / Drink items to the tournament committee by 11 a.m. on the day of tournament.